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Start Your Own AI Radio Station using AI Radio Bot > Press Releases > Press Releases

Are you the expert in a given topic or the industry? AI Radio Bot is the great way to promote yourself as the expert. Direct your potential client on your website to your radio stream, where AI Radio Bot will read your articles to your listeners, showing off your professional knowledge. It would otherwise be impossible to run a continuing radio stream without AI Radio Bot for any professional. It would require the recording equipment and time spent recording yourself,

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Great news for all musicians. We decided to give all musicians the chance to have their music played on the radio stations, hosted by AI Radio Bot. As you might already know, radio stations hosted by AI Radio Bot are primarily the talk radios. However, just talk alone is boring. Therefore, we decided to spice it up with music. All radio hosts get an option to add music to their broadcasts. And no, we don’t want to use machine learning

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Someone has recently contacted us with the following question: “Can we integrate AI Radio Bot with Chat GPT.” The answer is definitely yes. AI Radio Bot can piggy back on any Restful API, which ChatGPT provides as well. The only thing the owner of the radio station will need to do is, to open an account with ChatGPT, and specify the authentication details when configuring the AI Radio Bot, so it could call ChatGPT’s API to source the text content.

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Lets start with English. English has so many dialects. AI Radio Bot supports American English, Australian English, British English, Indian English, English of New Zealand, South African English and Welsh English. That was just for the English language. For the rest of the languages let’s go in alphabetical order. AI Radio Bot supports Arabic as well as Gulf Arabic dialect. We support Catalan language. Both, Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese languages. Danish language as well. Also Dutch, as well as Belgian

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Let’s first start from differentiating what belongs to humans from what is reserved for machines.  The radio host is the human who is running the talk show on the radio. Therefore calling A.I. powered computer based radio alternative to human as the host is simply unfair to the human radio host profession as the whole, which belonged to humans for far too long since the radio has been invented.  Similarly to how A.I. based assistants were called the Chat Bots,

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We keep seeing radical new concepts coming out of Artificial Intelligence technology. The next voice you hear may be that of AI Radio Bot. This new technology is a streaming platform that takes your words and turns them into the next talk show host. Or maybe taking the author and reading aloud his story. That’s some of the basic principles behind AI Radio Bot. It can be much more than that. It’s a streaming server which utilizes text to speech

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Artificial intelligence technology is advancing in leaps and bounds. And with that new uses that are yet to be imagined are now possible. Any web portal now can voice their information, stories, or even create a fully produced radio like shows. You can now have your own broadcast that may change the way we get information, create social content, news, and entertainment. There is a multitude of applications where AI Radio Bot could come in handy. Civic applications: All schools,

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Imagine running your own radio station, without having to lease a studio, without purchasing expensive hardware, microphones, streaming servers, without hiring any technicians, without having to schedule what content will play and when, and even without recording yourself speak or having to speak yourself to the microphone, which today you obviously don’t have. Imagine running your own professional talk radio right from the couch of your home, managed completely by Artificial Intelligence with you doing nothing else, but what you

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The main goal for AI Radio Bot is not only the automation of the radio broadcast, but also the affordability of this service for masses. The goal is to price it so every writer in the entire world could turn their text content into a talk radio in no time at the price, which won’t break their bank. This opens doors for all, even small scale bloggers to turn their text into a talk radio. Imagine navigating to your favorite

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In 2023, the Pew Research Center reported that the consumption among the 12 years old or older Americans grew from 12% saying they had listened to a podcast in the last month, to a 31% in 2023 saying they have listened to at least one podcast within the last week. That number went up from 26% in 2022. Complete article could be found here: https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/fact-sheet/audio-and-podcasting/#:~:text=A%20decade%20ago%2C%20in%202013,was%20first%20measured%20in%202013 Based on the study conducted by ExplodingTopics.com, the number of people listening to podcasts in

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